ABC to the VCS Notes: pg. 14 - Street Racer was the first VCS game to have scrolling, not Skiing. pg. 320-324 - highlighted titles are either released or known to exist pg. 9 - Space Canyon is virtually the same because it is! It uses 90% of original Space Cavern code, and as such is an illegal hack. pg. 215 - Harbor Escape is a ripoff of River Raid. pg. 6 - The flag ship in Gorf never reaches the bottom! It will go about half-way down before going back up and stops. pg. 6 - Megamania's laser base/cannon is called a "mobile blaster". Spacechase -> Space Cavern is an indirect sequel to Spacechase. Spacechase manual states "Mark 16 Starcruiser"; Space Cavern manual states "Mark XIV Starcruiser". pg. 13 - Tac-Scan: According to the manual, you actually do steer your squadron with the paddles. pg. 322 - Correct title is Rocky AND Bullwinkle.