HIDDEN MESSAGE:  The messages "COPYRIGHT 1983, ENTER-TECH, LTD.PROGRAMMED BY:  Paul M. Walters  Rick E. Harris  Andy S. Teague  George B. HefnerGRAPHICS BY:  Barbara J. UltisSTORY LINE BY:  Robert HambletonVersion 2.0, June 2, 1983" and "There are 2 types of people in the world; those that divide people into 2 groups, and those that can't divide!......It's hard to soar with eagles, when you work with turkeys!....Life is an endless series of perpetual and progressive bummers!!.............." can be found coded as ANSI text in the chip at location U9 (see picture).  {Paul Walters}

The initials for the design team are on the high score table:

PMW - Paul M. Walters (lead programmer)
AST - Andy S. Teague (programmer)
REH - Rick E. Harris (programmer)
BJU - Barbara J. Ultis (graphics)
KID - nickname for George P. Hefner (programmer)


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