HIDDEN MESSAGECopyright 1983 Mattel Dave Akers Jeff Ratcliff Pat Dulong” can be found in the compiled code listing (picture #1). {Scott Stilphen}

Special bonus: If you can finish a level without destroying any cars, you’ll receive 50,000 points (same as the arcade game); however, the 1,000 bonus for landing on islands in the arcade version doesn’t exist here. {Joshua Roman}

The first 2K of this 16K game is unused.

Only 6 reserve cars can be shown on-screen at once.

BUG: All vehicles except yours will sometimes float across barriers when entering the roadways (picture #2). {BSR}

BUG: Segments of a vehicle, and sometimes the entire vehicle, can disappear for a split second and then reappear. {BSR}



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