You're guiding your plane through a routine surveillance
mission when suddenly, you're surrounded by enemy
bombers and fighters. But they've seen you first. And you'd
better think fast. You squeeze off a few rounds, just to let
them know it isn't going to be easy. You pull back hard on the
stick, and head straight for the sky. It's not going to be easy
for you either...



This was originally planned to be a cassette game for Amiga's Power Module peripheral, and is one of the games designed for use with The Joyboard controller.  It was later Planned to be 1 of 4 games on Power Play Arcade cart #5.  According to a press kit, this was to be a 1st-person flying simulation with a true "through the cockpit“ viewpoint and featuring both land and sea game variations.  The game appears to be complete.

Only 100 boxed and numbered copies are being produced.
Price is $40 plus $7
(USPS Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation for Continental U.S.)

This is a 4K cartridge.


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