• The bombs speed up each time you clear a building, and by the 3rd building, the bombs move at their fastest.
• If you’re at least 2 steps up on a ladder, a bomb won’t kill you as long as it’s moving by the ladder.
• Bombs will usually fall through any gap in the levels it comes across, but if there is a bomb on the level below it, it won’t (2 bombs can’t be on the same level). Depending on when the bomb below that level drops down, the upper bomb may have a chance to come down a ladder. When the bombs start moving up the building, they never drop through the gaps; they always cross over them.
• When you reach the 5th level and jump, Kong will climb up off the top of the building and disappear, reappearing at the bottom. As soon as he stops moving, the bombs will start rolling up ladders to the top of the building and disappear when they reach either end of the 8th level. The manual offers no explanation for this.
• When you reach the 8th level and climb up the ladder to the 9th level where the girl is, you’ll start to disappear with each step. When you reach the top, you’ll suddenly appear next to the girl. This is likely due to a hardware limitation, which probably also explains why you’re not able to jump on the 8th level.
• The score rolls at 10,000.
• One of the very few games that produce sound effects each time you hit SELECT.
• BUG: It's possible to walk off the left or right-most sides of the platforms, right through the wall! The manual makes no mention of this hazard.
• BUG: When you die, you’ll fall down to the level below, but if you die on the bottom level, you’ll drop off the screen.
• BUG: If you jump over a magic bomb while at the base of a ladder, and the magic bomb goes up the ladder at the same time you’re boosted up, you’ll die when you touch the bomb but you’ll still get the points for jumping over it.