Tronic 2


Tronic 2 and Pro Ball both use the same plastic casing, just in different colors.  From Dennis Koble: "I know I did all of them but even looking at the pictures I remember very little about them.  I guess it has to do with the very short lead times I had in designing and programming those titles.  I do believe they were done by me in retrospect and by looking at the picture links.  The (LED) hand-helds were done in a separate division and in a separate building.

Since I was never involved with the manufacturing of any of the games it is quite possible there were case problems.  The procedure in those days was to make very expensive machined metal molds and then make the plastic parts from those molds.  I think however (and I’m probably wrong) that was all done in the U.S.  The ROMS came from Southeast Asia and those were the long lead time and expensive items.  I think maybe it was just Atari money problems that killed the hand-helds.  I remember hearing that 10,000 of each game (except  Football) were made, although I never saw any of those.  The Football game (of which I still have one of the working fiberglass prototypes) case was quite different and I don’t think more than a few prototypes were ever made.




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